When you think about lucrative and pragmatic career paths, "music journalist" probably doesn't come to mind.
This is especially true for girls, but hey, music and writing are what I've always loved. Even while magazines are folding around the country and the record industry is flailing, I still think that there is a place for music editorials - and that women should be writing them too.
It's not that I have anything against men... per se... they have always just dominated the music journalism scene and can be defensive about guarding their place as the gatekeepers of indie knowledge. It's like when a guy says, "I want a girl who's into sports," what he really means is, "I want a girl who is into sports enough to be impressed by my own knowledge, but she can't know more about it than me."
So after nearly a year of applying to dozens of music editorial positions around the country and wondering, Are there just not any jobs? Am I not good enough? Is it because I'm a girl? I thought, "screw it," and started my own damn blog.
With the help of some of my music-loving girl friends (who live all over the world) we have founded Formosa as a venue to grow as writers, develop our voices, and share our opinions without limitations.
We hope to inspire you to check out a new band, or to help you discover a new way of thinking about the music you already appreciate. If you like what we do - awesome. If you just want to be a hater - you can kiss my ass and do that too. This is what I love.
Sincerely Yours,
Whitney Ayres Kenerly