I was speeding down Flamingo Road in a rented minivan to see… The Arcade Fire? It was surprising to see that the Album of the Year Grammy winners were playing at The Hard Rock Hotel’s somewhat intimate venue, The Joint. The show had long been sold-out, but I was able to get in through a friend of a friend, and under the condition that I pick up my ticket at will-call in time.
After screeching into the very last parking spot and sprinting through the casino, I got my ticket. Just as I was walking in, the lights went out, and the crowd roared.

The show was a perfect blend of The Arcade Fire's three albums since 2004 - Funeral, Neon Bible, and The Suburbs. Every song was played flawlessly and I could not get over how closely they matched the albums I've listened to a million times. The Arcade Fire had always been a band that, for me, didn't have a face - just a sound. Until the 2011 Grammy Award's, I didn't even have any idea what they looked like. Sometimes it's better for a great band to remain faceless, but seeing the passion in their performance makes them even bigger to me now.
The show was a perfect blend of The Arcade Fire's three albums since 2004 - Funeral, Neon Bible, and The Suburbs. Every song was played flawlessly and I could not get over how closely they matched the albums I've listened to a million times. The Arcade Fire had always been a band that, for me, didn't have a face - just a sound. Until the 2011 Grammy Award's, I didn't even have any idea what they looked like. Sometimes it's better for a great band to remain faceless, but seeing the passion in their performance makes them even bigger to me now.